How secure are Linkly's data centres?

Linkly is dedicated to provide secure solutions that provide the best user experience.

Linkly In-store
The Linkly Risk Management Framework (RMF) follows ISO 31000 standards. Our transactions processing servers are located in two geographically separate data centres, and we utilise the resources of the world-leading Microsoft Azure cloud.


Linkly Online & Voice
Linkly Online & Voice follows ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 31000 standards. Certified to the highest standards of security, risk and quality management, Linkly Online & Voice are regularly audited and penetration tested by our bank partners. Linkly Online & Voice is PCI DSS v3.2.1 compliant.

ISO 9001 - Quality Assurance standard

ISO 27001 - Information Security standard 

ISO 31000 - Risk Management standard